Program Guide Advertising

Program Guide Advertising2020-01-09T13:53:21-05:00

One of the most important elements to Dyngus Day Cleveland is the Annual Program Guide.  This not only helps inform attendee’s of what’s going on and where, but it also helps generate awareness for all the local charities, organizations and businesses throughout our four supporting neighborhoods and Northeast Ohio! As part of the Full Color 10,000 + copies, the guide will feature:

  • The day’s festivities
  • A map of the venues,
  • A schedule of events at the venues,
  • Information about Dyngus Day Cleveland,
  • Exclusive offers and more!

This is a very important guide that people throughout the day use to help enhance the experience of the festival.  

We hope you will consider helping our festival and the supporting Cleveland neighborhoods by advertising in this year’s Program. It is FREE to the public!

Please send all questions / artwork to prior to February 25th, or complete the form below.  For exact Ad Guidelines, click here.



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